Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

my bestfriend

ngomong" soal friendship.. bwt yg udah tmnan skitar 3 tahunan lebih, mungkin luccuuuuuuu bgt yahh ^^ huehuehue..
trkadang saking saling mngenal na qta, saat sesuatu terpikirkan di otak tp susah terucap. Qta cm bs blg ma sahabat baik Qta "yaa, lu taulah apa yang gw pikirin" atau "yaa,, lu taw lah gw gmn" hehehe..
kayaknya , wlopun gag terucap qta mank saling ngerti ajahh , gmn sifat tmn qta ^^ hehe.. [kyk telepati ajahh.. hehehe]

Senenk bgt pny friendship seperti ini and i really appreciate it n also don't wanna lose my very best friend :) ..
Have a lovable friend that accept me as i am, lebih tepat na mungkin we can accept each other, being a gud listener n respect each other.. Talk about everything that we want to talk, pny beberapa kesamaan yang nyenengin tapi juga punya sedikit perbedaan yang lucu [misal na dia suka manis, gw suka asem :P ].. hahaha..

Umm.. wlopun skrg udah gag satu skul kayak dulu, soal na pisah tempat kul, jd gag bs sering" pgy lagi kyk jaman" SMA.. tp skrg seengga na spare time bwt jalan bareng , sisain waktu bwt bikin kue bareng , nyalon bareng.. It's funny with a simple things , the best things just begin ^^ hehehe.. ngelakuin hal hal kecil yg simpel, tapi senenk aja qlo ngelakuin na sama sahabat yg notabene ud ga sesering dulu ketemu na .. hihihi..
n how lucky i am , i've already found my best friend since 4 years ago.. :) a lot of moments that make us more mature.. right ? hehehehe.. really loves u friend.. friendsforever.. THX for being my very bestfriend :)
Hope we can still together till we grow old.. [amien]

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