Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


1. How old are you?
21 y.O

2. Are you single?
absolutely yes :)

3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
hmmm.. 24 or 25 i think :D hehehe.. amien :P

4. Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
no one now, n i hope i'll find a right person for me (:

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
a man that i love n love me, n we accept each other..

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
bridesmaid : giovani gotama, melia n wynne ^^ :P bestman gag tauu .. hohoho

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
hmmm.. garden party with beautiful peak view. nice i think.. lol

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
Hmmmm.. as my dream.. PARIS :P lOl.. hahaha.. qlo gag bs cukup SG or BALI :D

9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
qlo budget gede yahh pasti ngundang smua yg saia knl.. qlo ga yaa family n my closest friend n also his friends.. :)

10. Will that include your ex-es?
hmmm... qlo calon suami gag cmburu yhaa.. hahahahaha...

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
eleven... qlo gag bs 8 aja deh :P hahhhaaa

12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
night :)

13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
hmm.. i finally found someone n someone to love

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork & knife?
fine dining :)

15. Champagne or red wine?

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
days after the wedding :D

17. Money or household items?
both.. hahhhaa..

18. How many kids would you like to have?
1st boy, 2nd girl... just 2.... hohohoho

19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
hmmmm... jalan" na sih okelah qlo d record.. :D

women :)

be careful if u make a woman cry, because God counts her tears.. -- Hebrew saying


Mario Teguh Quote
Hai pria, bukan kalian yg memilih wanita.. tapi wanita yg memilih kalian..
jado pantaskanlah diri kalian untuk dipilih oleh wanita yang terbaik..
Berpakaian lah yg menawan dan berwibawa,mapan lah dalam karir dan bijaksanalah dalam bertindak,
sehingga kamu menjadi pria yang dmuliakan oleh wanita..

Karena, wanita memilih pria bukan untuk dirinya, tapi untuk memilih seorang pemimpindalam sebuah keluarga, ayah bagi anak"nya kelak dan seseorang yang layak diberi penghormatan, dukungan dan juga dorongan :)

Karena dibalik kesuksesan seorang pria selalu karena ada dorongan dan pengorbanan wanita hebat :)
-- mario teguh --